Song for a Friend (2021) – 5′

For Bass Alone



Song for a Friend is a refreshing addition to the unaccompanied bass repertoire […] Music with this character and these musical requirements is too rare.”
Andrew Kohn, American String Teachers Music Journal

Program Notes

Song for a Friend derives its material from my string quartet, Orientalism (2020, rev. 2021). The term string quartet always sounded strange to me as its medium excludes the contrabass. As such, this piece provided me with the opportunity to explore the material of my quartet, all while re-arranging, re-orchestrating, as well as re-contextualizing it for the bass.

Song for a Friend is dedicated to Stephen Castiglione, without whose inspiration and contributions, the piece could not have existed in its current form. I am eternally grateful for all of his time, help, inspiration, and friendship.

Song for a Friend was recorded by Stephen Castiglione at Mixon Hall at the Cleveland Institute of Music on August 14, 2021
